Our Blog
The History of Our Store
- Hilary Davidson
- 21 December

Our artists and fans have always been the focus of what we do. Under our former brand name, Super Hero Fine Art, we were lucky to enough to attend various Comic Cons and festivals where we could interact with the crowd, participate in artist signings, and show the public why art is so important. We exhibited our officially licensed Star Wars, Marvel, and DC Comics art at New York Comic Con, San Diego Comic Con, Wonder Con, and Silicon Valley Comic Con. Artists Blend Cota and Lisa Lopuck joined in the festivities, revealing their art to thousands of attendees.
Shown above: Blend Cota and fan holding his artwork
The art publishing branch of our company, Art Brand Studios, participated in Festival of the Arts, a large event at Walt Disney World Resort / Epcot that showcases the best Disney artwork there is to offer! Our premier folk artist, Eric Dowdle, met with the crowd, participated in live sketching, and captured the memories with his top-notch video team. Dirk Wunderlich, Thomas Kinkade Studios Legacy Artist, was featured at the booth and greeted by lifelong Disney collectors who flocked to see him in action.
Shown above: Artists Eric Dowdle (left) and Dirk Wunderlich (right)
After participating in so many events, we decided that these artists needed an online presence that clearly connected the thing they have in common: entertainment. We launched our new online storefront, Art of Entertainment (dot com), in late October 2020, and the result is amazing! With new artists and more brand names we have the visibility to share these pieces with fans all over the world. In fact, with technology gains like Facebook Live, we did reach fans virtually with our live Q&A event featuring Monte Moore, the artist who painted The Mandalorianâ„¢ collection. Â
 We couldn’t be happier with our new retail site and know this is the place where entertainment fans can find new art across many genres and brands. Won’t you join in on the fun?!
Shown above: Lisa Lopuck and fan holding her artwork